Global Offering

China Mengniu Dairy Company Limited (02319)
Expected Timetable
Risk Factors
Information about this Prospectus and the Global Offering
Directors and Parties Involved in the Global Offering
Corporate Information
Industry Overview
Corporate Structure
Connected Transactions
Directors, Senior Management and Employees
Substantial Shareholders
Share Capital
Financial Information
Future Plans and Use of Proceeds
Structure of the Global Offering
How to Apply for Hong Kong Offer Shares
Appendices IA - Accountants' Report of China Mengniu Dairy Company Limited
Appendices IB - Accountants' Report of Inner Mongolia Mengniu Milk Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.
Appendices II - Pro Forma Financial Information
Appendices III - Profit Forecast
Appendices IV - Property Valuation
Appendices V - Principal Terms and Conditions of the Convertible Instruments
Appendices VI - Taxation
Appendices VII - Summary of the Constitution of Our Company and Cayman Companies Law
Appendices VIII - Statutory and General Information
Appendices IX - Documents Delivered and Available for Inspection